Женщина боевой медик космодесантник, тяжелая белая броня с символом красного креста

Женщина боевой медик космодесантник, тяжелая белая броня с символом красного креста

cinematic film still of a female combat-medic (space-marine), heavy white armor with red cross symbol, (motion-blur), running through a battlefield, explosions, tracer-shots, warhammer 40000, sci-fi, futuristic, dystopian future, technology, in the style of michael bay, in the style of zack snyder, in the style of christopher nolan, epic. orange & teal tones, shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget Hollywood movie, bokeh, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy

Steps: 24, Sampler: DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential, CFG scale: 2, Seed: 3529405727, Size: 960×576, VAE hash: 235745af8d, VAE: vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned.safetensors, Denoising strength: 0.3, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 20, Hires upscaler: 4x-UniScale-Balanced [72000g]

Model: Haveall
