Красиво написанный синий цветок на холсте

Красиво написанный синий цветок на холсте

a beautifully painted blue flower on a canvas, with a gold background. The flower is the main focus of the painting, and it is surrounded by a few other blue flowers, creating a harmonious and vibrant color scheme. The painting is composed of various shades of blue and gold, which adds depth and texture to the artwork. The close-up view of the painting highlights the intricate details and the artist’s skill in capturing the essence of the flower, by Paul Davis, shutterstock, art nouveau, warm shades of blue, drops

Steps: 34, Sampler: DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential, CFG scale: 2, Seed: 1132924757, Size: 832×576, Model: HaveallXV2, Denoising strength: 0.2, Hires upscale: 2, Hires steps: 20, Hires upscaler: 4x-UniScale-Balanced [72000g], Downcast alphas_cumprod: True

Model: Haveall
